Colorful gummy candies in a white dish set on top of the lacey doily.

How to Make Gummy Candy

Gummy candies hold a special place in the hearts of many, cherished for their delightful chewiness and burst of flavor. Creating gummy candy at home is a lovely pastime and an opportunity to tailor flavors, colors, and shapes to suit your preferences. In this guide, we'll delve into the enchanting process of making gummy candy step by step, ensuring your journey is filled with success and enjoyment. Let's embark on this flavorful adventure together!

What Is Gummy Candy?

Gummy or gelatin-based candy is a confectionery made primarily from gelatin, sweeteners, flavorings, and colorings. It typically has a chewy texture and comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, and flavors. Gummy candies are popular among children and adults and are often enjoyed as a sweet treat or snack.

History of Gummy Candy

The origins of gummy candy can be traced back to the early 20th century, with the invention of gelatin-based confections. However, the modern gummy candy we know today was popularized in the 1920s by the German confectionery company Haribo. In 1922, Hans Riegel Sr., the founder of Haribo, created the first gummy candy, known as "Gummibärchen" or gummy bears. These small bear-shaped candies became an instant hit and helped establish Haribo as a leading manufacturer of gummy candies worldwide. Since then, gummy candy has evolved to include a wide range of shapes, flavors, and varieties, becoming a beloved treat enjoyed by people of all ages across the globe.

Understanding the Basics of Gummies

Before diving into the step-by-step guide, it's essential to grasp the fundamental processes involved in making gummy candy. While the exact techniques may vary depending on preferences and equipment available, the basic steps remain consistent. Let's explore each stage of the gummy candy-making process:

Recipe Crafting and Ingredient Selection

At the heart of every mouthwatering gummy candy lies a meticulously crafted recipe. Collaborative efforts between food enthusiasts and confectionery artisans yield various flavors and types, ensuring an optimal balance of taste, texture, and shelf stability. Ingredients like gelatin, fruit juice concentrates, sweeteners, flavorings, and colorings are sourced carefully, emphasizing quality and flavor integrity.

Precise Mixing and Cooking

The gummy-making process commences with the creation of a gelatin solution. Gelatin powder is carefully blended with water in large mixing vessels, where additional ingredients such as fruit juice concentrates, sweeteners, and flavorings are incorporated. Heat is applied to the mixture, meticulously controlled to dissolve the gelatin entirely and blend all components seamlessly, resulting in a harmonious concoction bursting with flavor.

Filtration and Deaeration for Excellence

Following the cooking phase, the mixture undergoes filtration to eliminate impurities or undissolved particles, ensuring a smooth and homogeneous gummy candy base. Deaeration techniques are then employed to remove air bubbles, preserving the candy's texture and appearance and maintaining its delectable chewiness.

Molding with Precision

Molds are the canvas for shaping the gummy candy into its final form. Whether standard or custom-designed, molds are meticulously prepared to ensure cleanliness and functionality. Utilizing expertly engineered equipment, such as depositors or extruders, the gummy candy mixture is dispensed into the molds with precision, guaranteeing uniformity in shape and size.

Cooling and Setting

Filled molds are gently transferred to cooling chambers or conveyor belts, allowing the gummy candies to cool and solidify. This pivotal step bestows upon the candies their characteristic chewy texture, setting them on the path to becoming delectable delights.

Demolding and Presentation

Once cooled, the gummy candies are carefully removed from the molds with finesse. Each candy undergoes meticulous inspection to ensure quality and consistency before being presented in captivating colors and shapes, ready to tantalize taste buds.

Emphasizing Quality Assurance

Throughout the production journey, stringent quality control measures are upheld to maintain the highest standards of excellence. Samples are regularly extracted at various stages for thorough testing and analysis, ensuring that each batch of gummy candies meets the discerning expectations of connoisseurs.
Embedded within the artisanal process of gummy candy production is a dedication to preserving craftsmanship and tradition. Every step, from recipe formulation to final presentation, reflects a passion for culinary artistry and a commitment to delivering unparalleled taste experiences.


Brightly colored gummy bears spill from a jar.

Common Ingredients Used in Gummies

Understanding your ingredients is crucial in perfecting gummy candy. Each component is vital for the right texture, taste, and appearance.


Gelatin, a protein derived from animal collagen, gives gummy candy its unique chewy texture. Agar-agar, derived from seaweed, can be used as a vegetarian or vegan alternative. However, agar-agar sets are firmer and quicker than gelatin. Adjustments may be necessary.


While sugar is the most common sweetener, there are several alternatives you can experiment with. Honey, agave nectar, or maple syrup can add unique flavors to your candies. For a low-calorie option, consider erythritol or stevia, but be mindful of aftertastes and how they might affect the overall flavor profile.

Natural Flavoring and Coloring 

Natural juices and purees are excellent for flavoring and coloring your gummies without artificial additives. Concentrated flavor extracts like vanilla or almond can add depth to your candies. Consider using concentrated vegetable and fruit powders for coloring, which offer a wide range of colors and additional health benefits.

The Science Behind Gummy Candies

Diving deeper into the science of gummy candy-making helps troubleshoot and refine your recipes for consistency and perfection.

The Chemistry of Gelatin

Understanding gelatin's behavior can help you manipulate it to achieve the desired texture. Gelatin's ability to form gels is affected by temperature, concentration, and the presence of acids or sugars. Experimenting with these variables can lead to discovering the perfect balance for your gummies.

The Impact of pH Levels

The acidity or alkalinity of your gummy mixture can influence gelatin's flavor and setting properties. Adding citric acid or lemon juice brings a zesty flavor and can help achieve the right texture. Playing with pH levels allows for fine-tuning the tartness and chewiness of your candies.

Enhancing Aesthetic Appeal

The visual appeal of gummy candies is almost as important as their taste and texture. Here are some tips to make your gummies delicious and a feast for the eyes.

Using Natural Colorants

Expanding on using natural colorants, consider how different sources can provide a spectrum of colors. For instance, spirulina is for green, pomegranate juice is for pink, and carrot juice is for orange. These natural options not only add color but also bring subtle flavors and additional nutritional benefits.

Mold Creativity

Beyond traditional bear or worm shapes, explore the vast array of silicone molds available. From intricate floral designs to your favorite cartoon characters, choosing fun and unique molds can make your gummies stand out. Additionally, consider making your molds for truly customized shapes.

Mom and daughters eating their home-made gummy candies

Troubleshooting Gummy Making Process

Crafting gummy candy at home can be a delightful experience, but navigating potential pitfalls is essential to ensure success. Here are some common problems to avoid, along with their corresponding solutions:

Gummies are Too Firm or Rubbery

Achieving the right balance of gelatin is crucial for the texture of your gummy candy. Too little gelatin can result in candies that are too soft or fail to set properly, while too much gelatin can make them too firm or rubbery. Try reducing the amount of gelatin in your recipe. Conversely, if the candies are too soft or fail to set correctly, increase the gelatin amount slightly. Adjustments should be made gradually until the desired texture is achieved. 

Overheating the Mixture

Heating the gelatin mixture too high or too long can cause it to break down or lose its gelling properties, resulting in sticky or runny candies. To salvage an overheated gelatin mixture, cool it down by placing the saucepan in an ice bath. Stir the mixture continuously until it reaches the desired temperature. Be vigilant not to let it cool too much, as it may begin to set prematurely.

Inconsistencies in Taste or Appearance

Inadequate mixing can lead to inconsistencies in taste and appearance. If you notice this, carefully fold the mixture with a spatula, thoroughly incorporating all ingredients. Take your time to mix the ingredients thoroughly to achieve uniform consistency throughout the mixture.

Gummies Sticking to the Molds

Choosing the wrong type of mold or failing to prepare them properly can lead to difficulties in demolding or distorted shapes. If your gummies are sticking to the molds or have distorted shapes, try greasing the molds more thoroughly with cooking spray or vegetable oil before pouring the mixture. Consider using silicone molds, which are more flexible and easier to de-mold.

Rushing the Setting Process

Allowing the gummy candy mixture sufficient time to set is essential for achieving the desired texture. Rushing this process can result in too-soft candies or ones prone to sticking. If this happens, allow them to set for an extended period at room temperature or in the refrigerator according to the recipe instructions. Avoid handling or de-molding them prematurely to prevent deformation.

Adding Water-Based Ingredients Too Early

Water-based ingredients such as fruit juice should be added to the gelatin mixture only after the gelatin is fully dissolved. Adding them too early can interfere with gelling and prevent the candies from setting correctly. To prevent this, fully dissolve the gelatin in the liquid mixture before adding water-based ingredients. Stir gently to incorporate, ensuring the gelatin is evenly distributed.

Overloading With Sugar

While sweeteners are essential for flavor, adding too much sugar can produce overly sweet candies that overpower the other flavors. To avoid this, reduce the sugar in your recipe or balance it with other flavoring ingredients such as citrus juice or extracts. Taste the mixture and adjust the sweetness according to your preference.

Ignoring Temperature Control

Maintaining the correct temperatures throughout the candy-making process is critical for achieving the desired results. Use a candy thermometer to monitor the heat of the gelatin mixture. Pay attention to temperature cues. Heat it gently over low to medium heat, stirring continuously, and avoid letting it boil. Allow the mixture to cool to the appropriate temperature before pouring into molds.

Skipping Quality Ingredients

Using high-quality ingredients is essential for producing flavorful and delicious gummy candies. Opt for fresh fruit juices, premium gelatin, and natural flavorings to enhance your candies' taste and overall quality. Avoid using artificial or low-quality ingredients that may compromise the overall quality of your candies.

Lack of Patience

The most crucial aspect of gummy candy-making is patience. Rushing through the process or skipping essential steps can lead to disappointing results. Follow the recipe instructions carefully, allowing each step, from heating the gelatin mixture to setting the candies, the necessary time to achieve optimal results. 
By avoiding these common pitfalls and exercising care and attention to detail, you can ensure a smooth and successful gummy candy-making experience. This will yield delectable treats that delight your taste buds and impress your friends and family.

Easy Homemade Gummy Candy Recipe

Making gummy candy is simpler than you might think, and it can be incredibly satisfying to see your homemade treats take shape. Follow these steps to create delicious gummies.

Materials Needed:

  • Gelatin
  • Water or Fruit Juice
  • Sugar
  • Corn Syrup
  • Citric Acid
  • Flavoring and Coloring
  • Saucepan
  • Silicone Molds
  • Whisk or Spoon
  • Dropper or Pouring Jug

Step 1: Prepare the Gelatin Mixture

Start by mixing the gelatin with water or fruit juice in a saucepan. Allow it to bloom, letting it sit for a few minutes. Blooming ensures that the gelatin absorbs the liquid, which helps to prevent clumps when heated.

Step 2: Heat and Dissolve

Place the saucepan over low heat and gently warm the mixture, stirring constantly until the gelatin and sugar dissolve completely. Avoid boiling, as high heat can affect the gelatin's setting properties.

Step 3: Add Flavor and Color

Once the gelatin and sugar have dissolved, remove the saucepan from the heat. That is the perfect time to add your desired flavors and colors. Stir well to ensure an even distribution of the flavors and colors throughout the mixture.

Step 4: Pour into Molds

Carefully pour the mixture into your silicone molds. A dropper can make this process cleaner and more precise, especially with intricate mold shapes.

Step 5: Let it Set

Transfer the filled molds to the refrigerator and set them for at least an hour. The gummies need this time to firm up and acquire their chewy texture.

Step 6: Unmold and Enjoy

Once set, gently pop the gummies out of the molds. They're now ready to be enjoyed! Store any leftovers in an airtight container to keep them fresh.

Successful Gummy Candy-Making

The joy of seeing your homemade gummies come out just right, the anticipation of tasting a new flavor combination, and the pleasure of sharing your creations with friends and family make this journey so rewarding. So, keep experimenting and learning. Most importantly, enjoy the sweet satisfaction of making your gummy candies.

With every chewy bite, you're not just savoring a treat but relishing the fruits of your labor and creativity. Here's to many more batches of delightful, delicious, and distinctive gummies that bring smiles and sweetness into your life.

Check out our SweetyTreaty Co. blog today to learn more about our delicious freeze-dried candies available online!